View Full Version : Nitroing through the stakes

03-04-2011, 07:20 PM
Hi guys!

From now on, you're gonna be reading my endless battles with varience here. Don't worry, I won't make this a tilt blog, but CAP No Limit Games are a regular home for this.

So what about CAP? I was playing the 20-50 bb tables at Stars (I will post about my earlier career later) until they decided to shut it down without prior notice (TYVM), so I felt I would shift to CAP games. The start was horrible, but I managed to power through the hard start and make a nice profit, until the wall I hit on the 2nd of March, since when I had 2 of my worst sessions in my life.

I'm confident about my play and I hope to share some thoughts with fellow CAPpers.

Until next time, take care!

03-04-2011, 10:28 PM
Cap tables...hmmm you must have nerves of steel!

Good Luck and kill the fkn variance! :D

03-04-2011, 11:46 PM
Hi Nitro:)

I'm a CAP fish...like I don't know anything about this format, so I hope, U will share some insights about it:)


03-05-2011, 02:51 PM
Well CAP is basically closer to SnGs than cash games. All you need to know the proper 3betshove, raise/fold and raise/call ranges against the different opponent styles and position.

There are some donks you just NEED to play postflop poker, but obviously you don't need much skill to crush them that way as well. If you read WizardOfAahs' blog, you can find out more about CAP, maybe later I will post a little strategy as well.

Ty all and good luck to you too!

03-06-2011, 11:53 PM
The year 2011: goals and challenges

I started off 2011 red hot, coming off of best month ever in December, when I almost doubled my bankroll. This upswing continued into 2011, but it didn't go too good since mid-January. The exam period and a one-week ski trip limited my playing hours, so my only goal was to at least make GoldStar. February started out horribly (thats when I transitioned into CAP games) but a godlike session (I guess Stars decided to award my EV back in one session) helped me get even, and by the end of the month my winnings were around expected for that level.

Goals for March

- get this swingyness down a little bit (I don't have too much control over this)
- finish with a nice little profit so I can transition into CAP NL100
- i guess I could make PlatinumStar if I sunk into severe grind mode, but that would just kill my other two goals, so I will settle for 5000-6000 VPPs

Goals for this year

I'm a sickly VPP-consious player, so I'm planning out my play in a pretty long advance. I made some calculations at the end of last year, when I settled for a yearly VPP goal of 50.000. But with the introduction of CAP games, that number will surely be reached so I'm a little uncertain about a run for Supernova. I definietly need to step up to CAP NL100 to reach that, the only question is when I will be able to stabilize my play there. If I can do that before summer, with 2,5 months of grinding I can get on SN pace. I will make the final call at the end of September, I obviously don't want to finish the year with 9x.xxx VPPs, but if I'm on a pace of 80.000, I won't hurt my game just to reach that. Maybe some thoughts on that?

Thanks for reading, GL, see you next time!

03-08-2011, 11:25 AM
I'm clueless...

Just a quick rundown on what has happened: I hit a huge wall on March 2nd. I lost 10 buyins, which is not that big. I broke even on the 3rd, and on the 4th, something amazing has happened. I have lost 16 of the 21 allins i played... rough, huh? I hit my stoploss earlier than ever before, resulting in a -17 PTBB/100 session. Just to put that in perspective, if you only post the blinds, you will lose -15 PTBB/100...

I was able to laugh about it, but now I'm just in shock. On the 5th, i was able quit after a little hotrun, but since then, I haven't even broke even on a session. I went through the hands every time, and every time I can make the conclusion that I make 1-2 bad decisions in a session, which OBVIOUSLY have to be punished by stars. For example, I've counted that I went allin on bad spots 11 times in March, which resulted in 3 20/80-s, 4 30/70s, 1 40/60 and 3 coinflips, NONE of which I have won.

The whole ordeal culminated when I decided I'm gonna limit the tables and tighten up, focusing to make non-showdown winnings... obviously I ended up in a -9 PTBB session....

March: -312$, -6 PTBB/100, at least 400$ below my potential............ I mothereffing HATE poker right now

new goal: break even in March, rape every PS employee anally

03-08-2011, 01:40 PM
rape every PS employee anally

I agree with that goal. How about a group rapin'?:)

Better luck bro! I hope you'll run as a god from now on, and manage to get your march into a plus!

03-08-2011, 02:43 PM
Calm down! The month end is so far... And cap games have more swings... Better Luck!

03-09-2011, 07:40 PM
Hi guys! I have to say I'm 100% tilt free, but you will find out that there's nothing to cheer for.

I decided to play a session and afterwards record the numbers. The reason for this is PT3 doesn't track CAP hands EVs (it only counts those where one of the players has equal or less than the cap), so I had to put the numbers in myself. A little analysis:

Hands played: 638
Capped hands won: 9 of 24 (37,5%)
Average Capped hand equity: 61,5%
20-80s: 0 of 0
30-70s: 1 of 2 (50%) - ran over EV lol
coinflips: 2 (+2 split) of 11 (27%) - wtf lol?
70-30s: 3 of 7 (43%)
80-20s: 3 of 4 (75%)

End result of the session: +8.65$ (should I eat a pizza? :O)
Over/Under expected value: +106.88$

Once again, this post is not designed for crying, it just shows how sick this game is (I'm talking about poker and CAP as well)

More Luck guys!

03-11-2011, 01:05 AM
Just a quick post cause it's late.

I decided to mix things up and go play live pokey. I played a 6000 HUF (~30$) tournament which had 32 entrants. I managed to chop it 3 handed winning 46000 HUF (230$).

I hope this will give a boost to my online recovery as well!

03-11-2011, 01:09 AM

03-11-2011, 01:26 AM

03-12-2011, 06:20 PM
Just another lovely session. -91$ in 600 hands, 4 wins 11 losses, march has rushed by the -400 mark. According to the stats i'm now a standard loser in the CAP games, lol. I won over 1000$ in December, grinding it out from session to session. I wonder if thats how i gonna lose 1000 in march, losing every single session. One happy thing is that starting from tomorrow i will use my new laptop.

I also think i should quit poker, because i got taught a lesson today.

PartyRoy1992: you go all in with not such a good cards, if you have AA or KK okay I understand, but with QQ the chance of getting a A or K is very high

Oh well, I did all my previous plays wrong...

04-04-2011, 05:52 PM
Long time no see

Hi guys, it’s been a lot of time since I last blogged my struggles, but thankfully this is a little more positive than those earlier posts. I left of fin a middle of a downswing on CAP NL50. I’ve managed to bring that loss back with a couple of good sessions, but I got a little disappointed int he CAP games.

PokerStars than decided it has too much money and started a couple of awesome promotions, starting with a reload bonus I took advantage of, than there was the 60 Billion hand celebration form which i got exactly 0$ (i know the odds are little, but its frustrating that I played through the 25, 40, 50 and 60 Billion celebration and never even won a cent :D), and they also created a FPP league for Hungarians, which was good because I know that I’m in the top100 in cash FPPs in my country, but a months grinding for just 30$ doesn’t really makes sense
With those being said, I decided to „leave” PokerStars. („Leave” means I will have a bankroll there, and I will play throughout the SCOOP, but it won’t be my grinding place for some time) I decided FTP may be better for me, since they still offer shallow stack play, which has been my comfort zone on PS for a long time. I took 800$ from PS to FTP and I’m starting on NL25 SH (10$ buyin) temporarily, just to set my brain back to 40bb deep play. When I’m confortable and secured my bankroll I will move up to NL50 SH. My first impression is like playin gin a time machine set to 2004.

Stuff to remember here:
• if a reg 3bets you, his range is QQ+, seriously.
• if your cbet gets raised on a dry flop, your facing a set.
• limp-raise is a monster
• AKs type hands WILL flat your raise on the big blind

Just to get it clear, this is not a joke, the biggest winning reg I’ve met so far plays a solid 16/12/2. With that in mind, I just need to play the ABCest ABC poker, and moneys will grow.$$$

Goals for April:
• 35k hands
• +EV play on NL25 and NL50 as well

04-04-2011, 05:55 PM
GL for plans! You can do it!:) ;)

04-05-2011, 12:25 AM
@ PartyRoy1992:D I love when fishes try to teach/explain something about pwnker:D It's a lot of fun:)

GL 4 your plans, at this time I also move to FTP, so I hope both of us will have a good run at full tilt;) :)