View Full Version : nit unleashed

03-05-2011, 05:51 AM

Well, the nit, that would be me. I'm an mtt/sng grinder, playing mostly 180 man sngs and mtts up to $55, playing poker full time for more than a year now.
Started playing about 3 years ago, busted some $10-$70 no deposit roll, learned about brm, with $50 started grinding 2NL, you know, the standard story. Started playing sngs 2 years ago. I had problems with tilt controll and i've heard in turbo mt sngs the variance is sick so i thought i play some, get used to the swings, and stucked here.
MTTs since 2009 christmas, the most boring holiday ever, i was just sitting at home, bored to death, and played a few tourneys for fun and i'm quite competetive when it comes to games so i was like "hey, i want to take one down, how ya do that?" so watched some videos and in january i started to play every single mtt on stars up to $11 with my 1.5k roll, hit a few score, added games up to $55 and in february i had 10k+ and was browsing news to find a place to rent. Ahh, that was a fun month :) ran like god obv, haha, but still.

Unleashed means i will play some heads up poker. Grinding 180 mans is one of the most boring things and HU is a whole different kind of animal, full of action and i always have this "weeeee" feeling when snapcalling with ace high 3 streets, something you just don't do in donkaments often enough, haha.
To make the transition a bit smoother i start with HU sngs, after all, the reign of awkward stack : pot ratios is my comfort zone, haha. I start at $21 with 20bi, i move down if im at 15bi, not sure when to move up, probably when i have 30bi for the next level. I'm also unsure when to switch to cash. I might skip 50nl because of the high rake or don't switch at all if i like this format, i don't know yet.
I would like to play at least 2 hours a day and i will try to update this thread every day, except weekends.


03-05-2011, 06:51 AM
Day 1
"ahh, so this is how a river card looks like!"

haha, no, just kidding. Today i played bit more than 3 hours, 2 tabling, played 34 games. Well, here is the graph:
What can i say? Running 10bi above EV definetly helps when taking a shot, haha. The field is promising, played only 1 guy who seemd competent but coolered him quite quickly so wasnt a long match. Also encountered a few players with a really frustrating playing style, they see like 25% of the flops, c/c one street like 40% of the times and shut down without the stone cold nuts. It takes a lot of time to grind them down.
Rest of the players game is a tragedy. Or comedy, it depends, lol. It's so funny that looks like they can recognize which board is good or bad to bluff but they recognize it as the exact opposite. They become scared money on good boards and bluff like no tomorrow in hopeless spots. I'm really curious how this project will work out.

Today i won't play, going out with friends, but tomorrow is sunday so it's mtt grind. Also 5m sunday million!!! One time!!!! Pleeeease!!! Im in the middle of a very frustrating downswing in mtts and it's extra frustrating because i worked a lot on my game and i feel it's stronger than ever and the reward is like -200abi. These 2500+ fields killing me.
I was thinking about buying as much SM shares as i can, but on the other hand 1 million is a big enough chunck of money to stagger the abject human soul and make them say "FU, i dont pay" especially because i think most people selling share will be randoms without a reliable name in the community to lose. Because if you think about it, selling a share in this event is quite dumb. I mean, cmon, $215 to win a million, this is not something you play every week. Well, at least this is how i see this.

03-05-2011, 02:23 PM
Welcome, and congrats for the day:) that graph looks cool:)
I played some HUSNG in my time (11, 21, 34,5 and some 50$). I got busto, 'cos don't care about BRM:D but it was fun anyway:D I think u should have at least 50bi for a level 10-20bi swings are common in HUsng!


03-05-2011, 08:22 PM
Thank you, that 50bi sounds good, at least i will see if i actually beat the field. :) What's an ok sample size in these? 1k is enough? I'm kinda unprrpared, only played like 2k 50NL and watched 2 jungleman videos :D (god, he is the shaun deeb of cash games when it comes to explaining thought process)

03-06-2011, 01:19 AM
I think 1K sample is good for start, your more or less fixed roi will be adjusted after 4-5K HUSNG imho, but if Ur winning after 1K U've got edge on the field, and there will be no problems:)


03-07-2011, 11:19 PM
day 2

Today i played a bit more than 2 hours, 20 games. Mostly the usual fun players but also encountered some kind of reg (1500+ games, but only $6 abi, less than $0.5 per game) who kept playing me which was annoying because of the roi and hourly decrease since a match took longer than against some fish. Wondering whats the average duration of these, now hem says 10mins and if this was correct that would mean quite a nice hourly compared to the stakes and the number of tables.
Anyway, still in god mode, 10bi above EV, i'm starting to see why 50bi is needed :)

On sunday i played only a few mtts, i was tired/hangover, but of course played the million....well, at least i finished itm, doh, maybe next time (AK<KQ).
Now time to start today's 180 grind.


03-08-2011, 01:28 PM
who kept playing me which was annoying because of the roi and hourly decrease since a match took longer than against some fish.

Why did u accept the rematch??? I only accepted if:
A, I felt that I've got big edge
B, I knew I've got edge, but the match went down pretty fast because of a cooler.

Don't play 0EV or minor +EV games, it hurts your ROI:)

03-08-2011, 02:32 PM
Nice graf! Villain wasn't like you after the matches...:) GL!

03-08-2011, 04:10 PM
Wasn't a rematch, after the first match i insta declined and sat at a new table and he followed.

03-08-2011, 04:22 PM
Nice graf! Villain wasn't like you after the matches...:) GL!

haha, yes, that for sure, ty

03-08-2011, 05:19 PM
Yesterday i was in a hurry while writing the post, i forgot to mention another player type who owns me and i feel i adjust poorly. These guys plays 100% vpip in and out of position and keeps firing minbets and 1/2 pot bets pretty much no matter what and almost never folding flop or turn. It feels like im playing NL holdem against FL omaha.
The key here is board texture but i will have to think about this in more details.

Meh, i just saw whats the time, i'm still on my mtt sleeping schedule which is effed up. I wake up 4pm, it takes at least an hour and some coffee to become wide awake, i eat something and it's already 6pm, i start playing, play until 2-4-6am (game dependent), go to bed 8am. Now, the 4am-8am is not really the ideal time zone to have free time you see. I'm not playing mtts on weekdays now, so i will try to modify this to go to bed at 4am and wake up arund 2pm, but i don't have an idea how to do that. If i wake up too early i will be tired all day unable to play poker. I have a lot of trouble sleeping. I can't fall asleep if i'm not totaly tired. I think i'll figure out how to do this on a weekend. (which also sucks, because weekend is time to meet friends, and all of them complaining that i'm never available, we can never watch a movie or have some beer and even on IM i usually respond "sorry can't talk, lots of tables going", this is not good at all)