View Full Version : A7 sui RUSH against Sascha Biorac

03-05-2011, 07:41 PM
$0.50/$1 No Limit Holdem
FullTiltPoker (http://weaktight.com/ftp/)
6 Players
Hand Conversion Powered by weaktight.com (http://weaktight.com/)

UTG ($238.65)
UTG+1 ($146.55)
CO ($118.20)
Hero ($100)
SB ($129.25)
BB ($21.55)

Pre-Flop: ($1.50, 6 players) Hero is BTN :7d: :ad:
1 fold, UTG+1 raises to $3, 1 fold, Hero calls $3, 2 folds

Flop: :as: :7c: :8s: ($7.50, 2 players)
UTG+1 bets $5, Hero raises to $13, UTG+1 calls $8

Turn: :qc: ($33.50, 2 players)
UTG+1 checks, Hero bets $22, UTG+1 calls $22

River: :6d: ($77.50, 2 players)
UTG+1 checks, Hero checks

Final Pot: $77.50
UTG+1 shows
:tc: :ac:
Hero shows two pair, Aces and Sevens
:7d: :ad:

Hero wins $74.50 (net +$36.50)

UTG+1 lost $38

I dind't 3bet from D because enemy was a full tilt red pro and we had a decent history from earlier, he is doing very badly in CG, but making some really nice moves sometimes. What u think about the flop play would raise more board is pretty nasty with the FD+STR8draw? turn bigger raise to protect? River some value or check back good, if raise how much?

enemy stat: 26/21 af 2,5 0,5K hands

03-05-2011, 09:13 PM
Yes I think flop raise should be bigger, you invite in too many AT+ type hands, and you can hit some serious action killer cards. But other than that I don't see any problem with the hand.

03-06-2011, 12:49 AM
Yes I think flop raise should be bigger, you invite in too many AT+ type hands, and you can hit some serious action killer cards.


On the other hand, I prefered bet/fold on the river. (~ 1/2 pot)

03-06-2011, 02:04 AM
Bet/fold river 1/4-1/2pot.

03-06-2011, 11:06 AM
+1 to everybody:D
Flop raise to ~18
Turn is ok I think, river wow...nasty stacksize...bet/fold half pot is not good imho, 'cos the pot is 77, and we've got only 62$...so if we bet 38, it's cruel to fold for 24$ when a pot is 201$...it's just bad...U can bet something like 20$ and fold maybe, but I would go with the push, or checkback...we don't rly wanna fold a small piece of our remaining stack, when the pot is pretty big. I think he can't really better than us, maybe AQ, but A8 he would 3bet otf, also with 77, 88, AA. It's a really wet board, he needs to protect his big hands...and maybe our jam seems like a 3barrell, or a busted draw (like Ts9s, Tc9c, JsTs, KsJs, KsTs, KsQs, 7sxs, Js9s, Jc9c, Acxc, QsJs, QsTs, 6s5s), and he'll call us with a wide range (A9+, 78, KsQs, KK, JJ)

03-06-2011, 11:56 AM
Flop: Reraise $17+
River: Vbet

03-06-2011, 03:00 PM
Preflop: fold > 3bet > call
Flop: OK
Turn: OK
River: bet 1/4-1/2 pot

p.s. I like to 3bet preflop with Ax suited type hands if I am in position.