View Full Version : NL10 - KQo - BB - What do you think about...

03-22-2011, 04:11 PM
€0.05/€0.10 No Limit Holdem
5 Players
Hand Conversion Powered by weaktight.com (http://weaktight.com/)

UTG phallus_dei (€23.74)
CO xguerrierox (€10.39)
BTN woznyak (€10.88)
SB mythos003 (€10.05)
BB tesla79 (€10)

Pre-Flop: (€0.15, 5 players) tesla79 is BB :kc: :qs:
2 folds, woznyak raises to €0.30, 1 fold, tesla79 calls €0.20

Flop: :qh: :3s: :jc: (€0.65, 2 players)
tesla79 checks, woznyak checks

Turn: :2h: (€0.65, 2 players)
tesla79 bets €0.48, woznyak calls €0.48

River: :8h: (€1.61, 2 players)
tesla79 bets €0.80, woznyak raises to €2.15, tesla79 calls €1.35

Final Pot: €5.91
tesla79 shows
:kc: :qs:
woznyak shows a flush Ace high
:ah: :kh:

woznyak wins €5.62 (net +€2.69)

tesla79 lost €2.93

V. is a reg: 281h, 24/21, AFq: 41%


03-22-2011, 05:40 PM
well it's certainly not a bet/call, check/call is much better here, you have showdown value but you don't beat any of his raising range.

03-22-2011, 05:56 PM
v a reg i would usually c/c river cause ur hand is underrepresented but v a fish i would b/f since they are capable calling u down with a J or random Q or with any crap

03-22-2011, 06:02 PM
yeah, river b/c is bad imo, he won't bluff enough in this spot, and you can't beat his value range, so c/c or b/f.
Maybe bet-fold is better, 'cos he might call u with Jx, Qx, but he won't turn these type of hands into a bluff.
So my vte is for bet-fold otr:)

03-22-2011, 09:29 PM
River bet/fold. This is alway strong hand...

03-23-2011, 10:40 AM
Hello guys!

I think, check/call would have been fine.

Qx, Jx, ever bets the flop, and the 3rd heart is pretty good for a bluff.


03-23-2011, 12:18 PM
I vote check/call too, cause his agression. Our hand has sd value as it was said before and with a high agression he can definately bluff this flush

03-23-2011, 04:17 PM
We don't know he's exact aggresion tendencies...maybe he's 60% flop, 50% turn, 15% river. And I don't think that bd flush is a really-really good bluff card...it's ok, but if he's not ultraaggro-floaty type player otr, than he'll check back all SD value hands (Ax, Jx, Qx) imho