View Full Version : NL10 - 99 - against a 3bet agressor

03-23-2011, 04:05 PM
€0.05/€0.10 No Limit Holdem
6 Players
Hand Conversion Powered by weaktight.com (http://weaktight.com/)

UTG woznyak (€12.70)
UTG+1 mythos003 (€10)
CO tesla79 (€10.86)
BTN phallus_dei (€12.52)
SB xguerrierox (€11.04)
BB Moshinooo (€17.97)

Pre-Flop: (€0.15, 6 players) tesla79 is CO :9c: :9d:
2 folds, tesla79 raises to €0.35, phallus_dei raises to €1.20, 2 folds, tesla79 calls €0.85

Flop: :4d: :ts: :qs: (€2.55, 2 players)
tesla79 bets €1.91, phallus_dei calls €1.91

Turn: :ad: (€6.37, 2 players)
tesla79 checks, phallus_dei bets €3.80, tesla79 folds

Final Pot: €10.17

phallus_dei wins €9.86 (net +€2.95)

tesla79 lost €3.11

What is the right method against this kind of agressor?
V.: 225h, 22/17, AFq: 39, FTCB: 89, 3bet: 8.9

03-23-2011, 04:21 PM
maybe 4bet-call PF, but maybe I'm just a big spewmaster...he 3bet ~9%, which is pretty large, full of light 3bet hands (I just know, I play 7-11 3bet:D)
OTF i don't like the donk, he can raise u with ATC. If u wanna make a move the CR AI otf, but it's pretty spewy (also 4 me:D). So if u flat pf, than u should c/f on this flop imo

03-23-2011, 05:21 PM
obv the simpliest way to go is to fold pre. maybe it seems weak cause his 3bet% but playing middle pairs oop without initiation always sucks. if u min4bet his 3bet, u usually get a fold but he will push the top of his range so u turn ur hand into bluff if u dont want to call his shove. defending against light 3bets oop could be hard but always better is to tighten up than to loosen up.
on flop: i also dont like donking. better option is c/c flop and float turn or river(but this could be expensive). or just play c/f but if u are planning c/f flops u dont hit ur sets, then fold preflop if sitting on 100bb stack.

03-23-2011, 06:54 PM
I don't think he planned c/f w/o a set, imho flatting can be +EV if we planning to make a move sometimes when we don't hit a set, or the board isn't like 226/678/257. If I can recall correctly Foxwoodfiends said, that it's ok to turn our hand into a bluff, if the pot is big enough, and we have an ok equity againts his range.
He 3bet a range something like this: 77+,A7s+,KQs,JTs,T9s,98s,87s,AQo+ (9%)
He 5bet shove w/ these imho: JJ+,AKs+,AKo (3%)
So ~65% we win 1,2eur
Againts his 5bet AI range we have 33%
4bet-fold EV: (0,65*1,2)+(0,35*(-3))=-0,27
4bet-call EV: (0,65*1,2)+(0,35*((0,66*(-10,8))+(0,33*10,8))= -0,4674

If we fold we loose 0,35eur
A raise-call EV calculation would be too tough for me (and need to contain villain's flop tendencies, etc...so it's just too complicated). So if my ranges are good, and didn't miscalculate something (I had a couple of beers w/ 1 friend, so I won't put my life on my calc right now:D): between raise-fold, 4bet-fold, 4bet-call, the best option is 4bet-fold...but probably raise-call is better, 'cos our hand is too strong for a light 4bet

03-23-2011, 07:06 PM
I think fold pre.