View Full Version : Playing AT-AQ from the Blinds early

Mr. Pi
04-08-2011, 08:44 PM
So I don't really know how to handle these type of spots. We whether get raise from a fish or a reg its still tuff to play. You will be oop and you wont feel too cool with only a decent ace in your pocket.

Is it good to 3bet these hands? What type of players would you 3bet? Would you 3bet a big fish (40/30 stats) who opened from UTG+2 for instance?

Is calling proper? If we hit an ace we take a more passive check/callish line? Whats up with double barrels? How low do you go in you Ax range with the defending?

I'll give some examples to make the problem more clear.

Villain is reg and opens 14% of the BTNs over 270 hands filtered.

Grabbed by Holdem Manager (http://www.holdemmanager.net)
NL Holdem $30(BB) Replayer - 9 handed

All Stacks are 1,500

[/color]Dealt to Hero :Ac: :Jh:

fold, fold, fold, fold, fold, fold, BTN raises to $120, fold, Hero ?


10 hands on the villain but He must have done some crazy things back then cuz his stack was 5k during the hand and I called with AJo which is another sign that hes prolly kindof idiotic.

Grabbed by Holdem Manager (http://www.holdemmanager.net)
NL Holdem $50(BB) Replayer
SB ($2,680)
Hero ($1,620)
MP1 ($5,485)
MP2 ($2,000)
CO ($2,205)
BTN ($2,160)

Dealt to Hero :Ad: :Js:

fold, fold, fold, MP1 raises to $150, fold, fold, fold, fold, Hero calls $100

FLOP ($325) :7d: :3s: :8s:

Hero checks, MP1 bets $200, Hero folds

I think you guys get my point. What to do with these type of hands in these types of situations? Is dumping them cool? If not what? and when? Feel free to bring examples too.

Pi :)

Mr. Pi
04-14-2011, 02:33 AM
I think we basically have 3 options and each have their pros and cons:

Raise - We will mostly end the pot preflop. Either we get raise by (hopefully) better or we get a fold. Thats cool.
Fold - No risk, No reward. But hey. No risk! lol.
Call - We call and thus get out of position postflop, but as a reward for that we keep the weaker side of the opponents range in play. Like Ax type of hands. Which we can kill on an Axx flop. That sounds pretty cool.

Pi :)