View Full Version : What has poker given you?

04-21-2011, 03:43 PM
Hi all, i thought i would ask you all what poker brought into your lives. money? wealth? action? friends? what did you learn from it, what you can apply to "real life"?

04-21-2011, 05:22 PM
poker has taught to me that im the worst enemy of me. i have also learned the need to question everytime "why?" when it comes to a decision point. as i have experienced it poker helps to read people in real life and realize their reasons and motivations to do or not to do something. and the last thing is that i cant be sure to know anything. im happy that i met poker and maybe im not going to be a great player but i think im already a winner since i know myself a bit better however its not a happy journey all the time but also the moon has a darker side too.

Mr. Pi
04-21-2011, 07:13 PM
Really sick. For me poker brought like a tons of stuff out from nothing. This whole collection of benefits built slowly but consistently:

- Got a starting bankroll and with it got a hobby which actually had the potential to bring profit ( Was WoW ing or playing Diablo 2 in lan A TON before)
- Got a place to use all my "extra" time at. Not a harmful but useful place. If I had/have some extra time I just pop in a video or play a session. It also knocked out all the harmful addictive stuff like WoW. (God bless that)
- Got munnnneeey. It was really cool to make my own money. To not rely on my parents anymore and to have financial freedom. I spend on whatever I want buy any clothes what I want eat in Mc Donalds whenever I want go to party whenever i want. Stuff like that. Its cool.
- I got friends - and with them opportunities. Its incredible how many friends I got thanks to online poker. Poker is really a thing which gets you to know ppl. And knowing people is always a good thing. Helps you get the newest info. Helps you to grow as a player. (and no im not abusing anyone. I think its this mutual "hey lets help eachother" attitude.)
- About the opportunites - recently I got asked by Collin Moshman himself if I wanna join his coaching team: Team Moshman. Guess what. Was the biggest honor of my poker carreer.

As a conclusion I really think that with my ~ 2 years of poker playing I grew more and got more than with my 4 years of high school. Not just financially but I think I grew a lot as a person too.

So I pretty much don't regret anything,
Pi :)

04-27-2011, 09:27 PM
- new friends
- new plans
- many $$$
