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03-04-2011, 02:36 PM
Hi there,

I am starting this topic to write about me and my poker career. So let’s start with me :) I am a 22 years old Hungarian student who is studying energy engineering at this moment. I already have a BSc in nuclear engineering.
I also want to describe what poker means for me. To be honest I am not a professional player and neither want to be a pro. It’s just a hobby which I want to take a lil’ bit more serious because of its financial benefits :)

I had started playing poker with 50 bucks and played sng-s for a while, since I lost all of the money. After that I tried myself at the NLHE tables at NL2 but I lost everything again. My 3rd shot seems to be more succesful for the present. I built a bankroll for NL10 and I am playing in this limit now at the Ongame network. I think I am talented enough to play on higher limits but since then Ihaven’t been motivated enough and I’ve been lazy too, to study and develop my skills. My main goal with this topic to set up little goals, duties for a month, or something like this and then write reports about the progress of their accomplishment. My interesting or pending hands will be posted at the appropriate part of the forum.

My main goal for this year is to be a winning player at the NL50 tables, I hope it is not an unreachable goal at all :) But I always say that we have to set some smaller goals too, to make our development visible. So I will set up some goals in every month and you can follow my way on taking over these „duties”. So here they are for March:

- Playing at least 20k hands
- Go up to NL20 by the end of the month (I have almost 30 buy-ins to NL20, but I haven’t decided when should I move up. 30 or 40 bi-s, so what advices do you have?)
- Study harder (not just in school). I want to watch a DC video series in every month, and read some books or articles. In March From the Ground Up, Ryan Fee 6max NLHE are on the list.

So, we’ve reached the end of my first post, I hope you enjoyed it. I also want to write about some more general things, like spending spare time, school, being drunk, girls, etc, if you are interested in.

Good luck for everyone at the tables!


03-04-2011, 04:05 PM
Hey, welcome to the board. :cool:

03-04-2011, 04:27 PM
Wellcome and GL2U.

03-04-2011, 05:34 PM

I think that 30-40 BI for NL20 is more than enough, I used to do that when I reach 30BI for the bigger limit, i give a shoot...and see what happens i hope i run good and win than I'm able to stay there....and if not there's no prob i step back!

GL for the learning, and waiting for the posts about partys and girls... sounds fine...:D

03-05-2011, 02:56 PM
So, good morning everybody :)

this post is going to be about my Feb which was awful as you can see in the graph.
i was thinking a lot which could be the problem. my stats weren't too bad. i think my bigger faults that i should be more agressive and steal more from the btn. after all i recignized that is just a big downswing. of course i had wrongly played hands but who hadn't? :-) i think i moved through this and i concentrate to reach nl20. actually i'd like to play at this limit in this month but i am patient and wait for April. last night one of my friends who plays on higher limits watched me on tv and i played on 3 nl10 tables and one nl20 tables. it doesn't seem harder than nl10 but will take a while to get used to the bet sizing :-)

After the grind I watched The Fighter last night and its pretty a good movie i recommend it for you. unfortunately my girlfriend has seen it too and seh likes "Marky" Mark Wahlberg so I have to spend some time in the gym today Note: i was engaged in bodybuilding a lot so if somebody has questions about excercises, diet, supplements, feel free to ask ;-)

03-05-2011, 05:02 PM
- Playing at least 20k hands
- Go up to NL20 by the end of the month (I have almost 30 buy-ins to NL20, but I haven’t decided when should I move up. 30 or 40 bi-s, so what advices do you have?)
- Study harder (not just in school). I want to watch a DC video series in every month, and read some books or articles. In March From the Ground Up, Ryan Fee 6max NLHE are on the list.

I like your plans. 20k hands is not that much, but is a fair amount for somebody who has a life, too. :D

In my opinion 30 BIs is enough to give a shot at NL20.

So, good morning everybody :)

this post is going to be about my Feb which was awful as you can see in the graph.
i was thinking a lot which could be the problem. my stats weren't too bad. i think my bigger faults that i should be more agressive and steal more from the btn.
As I see from this graph you are an agro-type player. Though stealing from the button is always fine. ;)

03-05-2011, 09:34 PM
Thx for the advices. To be honest I wanna be more aggro I think I can improve a lot in these stats. I think I am goint to try nl20 when I reach 30 bi-s but it's a bit tricky because at the time when I would have reached this br I alwas get some sht in my face. Today IMO I was doing pretty well but succeed to push my kings into rockets against big big fish 3 times which turned my day into be. But there's 2 hours left so everything is possible :D I watched another DC video today and I feel that power (I recommend tubasteve's videos for every micro grinders 'cause he is one of the best in explaining).

03-08-2011, 12:04 AM
Yooo men how ya doin'?

Finally, I got the 30 bis to NL20, so I will try it in the next few day. Of course if there's some really good nl10 tables, I will sit in there too. I have ~7k hands from nl20 FR games, and I ran on 14 bb/100, so I hope it will be continued.

By the way I am doing pretty well with my monthly aims. I took over half of From the Ground Up series, tomorrow comes the 5th episode, and I've played 10k hands already. So keep going, keep going... In this week, I will study a bit harder and play only 2 tables nl20 only to get used to the bet and stack sizes. And my dream to reach my first 1k$ by the end of the month, what do you think, is it possible? :) I hope so.

03-08-2011, 01:30 PM
I hope that you'll reach your dream-goal:)
Good job on the studying, keep it on!
Nice bb/100 on NL20:)


03-08-2011, 02:42 PM
Nice run! Keep it on....:) Do you play only FR?

03-08-2011, 02:54 PM
No no, I just used to play FR. I've been playing SH since December and I started it at NL10.

Holdenper: thank you :)

03-15-2011, 01:35 PM
Hm, I tried myself on NL20 SH at first it was a quite good run. But the past 3-4 sessions was really awful, I lost everything what I won and I was on a big big TILT............. So it was good only for make a big peak into my monthly graph... I can't express how dissapointed am I now... I think I have to take learning more seriously, so let's start working on it! I wanna reach that spent time with learning be equal with spent time wit playing. I have 30bi-s to NL20 and I will restart from here but I think I need some rest on this week, and I have a lot to do at school too.

03-16-2011, 02:29 PM
Hi everybody,

This post is not about poker but to take care about that shit what happens now in the world... I think this earthquake in Japan is very very sad and shocking. I can't imagine how can they rebuild all ow these destroyed bulidings and lifes.
The other distressing problems are with those nuclear power plants near Tokyo, called Fukushima Dai-ichi and Dai-ni (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fukushima_I_Nuclear_Power_Plant , http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fukushima_II_Nuclear_Power_Plant). So 'cause I am a nuclear engineer or something like this :D I am pretty interested in this topic and do not want peaople to get mad and so one. The situation is really hard but they will handle it. The question is thhrough what price? I think many workers will die because of the explosions and radiation, but a big amount of death is not expected.... If you are interested in it too you can watch the fresh news on the International Atomic Energy Agency website (http://ieae.org).

03-18-2011, 03:08 PM

So here's my report about my NL20 project when the half of the month passed. So I am really desappointed again.... as you can se, I started my work on this limit very well but now I am in a great downswing... For example today my biggest won pot was 12$... and I lost 4 buy-ins. I can't imagine what I've done badly... I have only one video from From The Ground Up left and I started to read Easy Game from Balugawhale. I hope this will be enough and I am just in a short down...

04-05-2011, 11:05 PM
sick graf. Better luck!:)

04-06-2011, 02:13 PM
9k hands are not a reasonable sample. try to keep playing your A game. BW's book is a good one:) GL

04-06-2011, 03:54 PM
Hi everybody,

Don't worry, I'm alive :) Sorry for being inactive, I had some problem in my private life which were fixed (at least I hope so :) ) so I can concentrate on poker fortunately. I wasn't totally inactive of course I mainly watched videos (Turning the corner) and read Balugawhale's book. Now I'm back and I hope this is my very last month on nl10 and in May I can beat nl20 finally :)

On 25th of March I finally get my degree. After that we held a huge party, drank a lot of pálinkas (traditional Hungarian shot) and beers, so I can't even remember anything :D

04-06-2011, 04:19 PM

Good luck at the tables!:)

04-08-2011, 06:57 AM
Congarts dude! Palinka is a backstabbing btard:D u drink-drink-drink, and than bummmm blackout:D tomorrow: headache, and other hangover symptoms:) But I'm lovin' it:D
btw, nice avatar pic:D


04-08-2011, 12:14 PM
yeah, i had a really serious headache but i treated it with 4 or 5 beers at morning :))) this is so much fun having a shover with two bottle of icecold beers :)

04-09-2011, 02:22 AM
LoL! U know how to live;) :D

04-11-2011, 12:31 AM
today's hotrun. hold, hold, hooooooooooold for another 20 days :)

04-11-2011, 12:39 AM
aaaand, todays best hands, that's why poker is easy game :)))


04-11-2011, 12:47 AM
NIce graf and nice hands! :)

04-11-2011, 01:03 AM
NIce graf and nice hands! :)
thanks ;) but these asses are the nicest :))) i'm in love woth them but i can't even chose which one is better :)))

04-11-2011, 01:48 AM
thanks ;) but these asses are the nicest :))) i'm in love woth them but i can't even chose which one is better :)))

You have to choose both ;) This is very simple:D

04-14-2011, 01:24 AM
never back down! finally, I turned my session into a little +

Mr. Pi
04-14-2011, 09:33 PM
Nice little profit right there. Would love to see an all time graph. I wonder how big of a hill could you generate throughout your poker carreer :).

Pi :)

04-14-2011, 09:39 PM
Every day 2bi and everybody happy:) after 2months and you play on nl100:) GL!

04-24-2011, 11:39 PM
hi guys again, i'm alive!

just having lot to do at school and now i have a job in my real life too. despite of this i am still trying to beat nl20 without any success as you can see on my graph :) now i am back to nl20 for the last 3 weeks of the school, and after my exams i will have more spare time to develop my game. i am thinking about having lessons from a midstake player, i hope i can earn the money for this on nl10. but now a am so disappointed again, i can' imagine that i can do all the exams at school but cannot learn how to beat nl20 :/

so crying end, gl for all at the tables!

04-25-2011, 07:02 PM
13k hands just dont mean anything:) but more luck in the future!

04-25-2011, 11:01 PM
13k hands just dont mean anything:) but more luck in the future!

+1 Better luck!:)

Mr. Pi
04-26-2011, 12:29 AM
Just stick with the exams fist. U'll have time to do the stuff with poker later. Hiring a coach is a cool idea, I'm sure u'll advance a lot.

Pi :)

04-26-2011, 01:47 PM
yeah, i am getting more confident about hiring a coach, but nowadays i do not have enough spare time at nights... for the next two weeks, i am going to play only on nl10, trying to get some bi-s which i can spend for coaching when i will have more time for it :) i hope i can beat nl20-nl30 through the summer :) please tell me it is not impossible! :)

04-26-2011, 02:16 PM
yeah, i am getting more confident about hiring a coach, but nowadays i do not have enough spare time at nights... for the next two weeks, i am going to play only on nl10, trying to get some bi-s which i can spend for coaching when i will have more time for it :) i hope i can beat nl20-nl30 through the summer :) please tell me it is not impossible! :)

with these hotties i cant imagine any impossible tasks.

Mr. Pi
04-28-2011, 01:39 AM
Have you ever thought about doing a Team Moshman contract?
U dont have to pay a coach only give a % of ur profits to the team. Pretty nice deal if u ask me.
Check it out. http://www.collinmoshman.com/coaching/

Pi :)

04-29-2011, 12:58 PM
Have you ever thought about doing a Team Moshman contract?
U dont have to pay a coach only give a % of ur profits to the team. Pretty nice deal if u ask me.
Check it out. http://www.collinmoshman.com/coaching/

Pi :)
Thanks for your idea, I'venever heard about it. Seems to be pretty good, but at first I'd like to finish with my tests and exams and my DC videos.

04-29-2011, 01:04 PM
Hi guys,
So here's my summary about the 4th month of the year. It started pretty good at nl10, I had plenty of self-confidence, and than nl20 turned into a nightmare for me... I hope one time at the and of the summer i can beat this limit, maybe nl30 too...
If the school ends, I will have 4-6 hours a day just for poker. I am planning that one day I will play and one day just learn. If this won't eb enough to beat these micro levels I will cashout all of my money and get shitface drunk for a week :D

aand, my favourite song now:

04-29-2011, 01:16 PM
If this won't eb enough to beat these micro levels I will cashout all of my money and get shitface drunk for a week :D

lol:) i think u wont have problems there after beating nl10. games are pretty the same, there is no difference between nl10-25 imo. dont make big changes in your game when trying to move up, just play your standard game that worked before. also note that sample size matters a lot. i know a guy who started to play on nl100 4 months ago and had a breakeven time until 100k hand, after that he started to beat them with 10bb/100 in the next 100k sample... variance can be huge. gl!

Mr. Pi
04-29-2011, 03:47 PM
dont worry too much about the NL20 swinginess. You possibly play a bit on the tight side or scaredly cuz of the new limit. Or you simply just got a bad run of cards. Its a new level yeah, but the difference in the qulaity of the players is very small. Dont worry about it u'll eventually stick in the limit and theres no way back from there:) .

About the 1 day study 1 day playing thing idk I think it would be better to mix it up each day. Play 4 hours learn 2 or play 3 learn 3. The point is that 6 hours of studying is...well... F*cking hard/boring and the situation is the same with the playing too: its very hard to bring your A game for 6 hours a day.

Pi :)

04-30-2011, 10:42 PM
+1 to everyone, and better luck:)
And maybe even if u crush nl20+ u should get some money out, and get shitfaced 4 a week...just because it's fun, and you'll deserve it after a lot of studying, and playin':D:D:D

05-01-2011, 10:43 AM
GL! Some swings, but you have profit!:)